On the northern hemisphere

Blogging back to friends in Australia while I'm away. Pure laziness, trying to avoid writing emails. Up above - no offence meant, but that's what you get when you negate down under.

For Wednesday evening we planned the sunset walk, but Janka changed her mind. My guess is that my mother's anti-adventure campaign paid off. It is extremely dangerous walking on the hills in the light and cool evening breeze, while sitting and watching TV is perfectly safe. I disagree but I felt no need to start an open fight about this. I accepted the change of plans with a silent nod, knowing that Dzsoki (the puppy) is a faithful companion in exploration and he is not under the protective control of the establishment.

We got our reward, of course. The view of the older part of the village (>700years).




My favourite lonely tree with the gentle hills in the background.


A bone for Dzsoki. Endless entertainment.


Dzsoki is a perfect runner now. Actually he overpassed his master. I decided to walk at the final ascend. Dzsoki grabbed the lead, started dragging me an looked back: "Hey man! Run! Don't give up! Run! We are not far from home!" 

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