On the northern hemisphere

Blogging back to friends in Australia while I'm away. Pure laziness, trying to avoid writing emails. Up above - no offence meant, but that's what you get when you negate down under.

While I work a lot it is not that I am socially deprived. With Lis, every evening we have candle-lit dinner, red wine and long conversations. But on Saturday evening the usual set of friends came and we had fondue with all the usual 'whose bit is this?', 'Ooops, I dropped the sausage ..'


not the best shot, but to show that I was also there.


At some point someone got misinformed, so everyone asked that how is life in New Zealand.. Well, I have no idea...

On Sunday, dodging the torch relay I went to Welwyn Garden City to play music with Chrystopher and Annika. According to the Suzuki method, at least one parent is supposed to learn the same instrument as the kid. That is why Chrystopher practises every day.


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