On the northern hemisphere

Blogging back to friends in Australia while I'm away. Pure laziness, trying to avoid writing emails. Up above - no offence meant, but that's what you get when you negate down under.

I do coding here in Chrystopher's office all day.


Yes, the invariant element is the bookshelf. Very nice environment, while waiting for some calculation, just scanning through the titles. Then I go home and continue working in Lis' living room, also full with books. But to keep sanity and health I needed some outdoor activity as well, so I decided to do another canalside walk. Hertford is a 30 mins bus trip away, so on Tuesday I went home with this detour. It was meant to be a nice walk but I went there to soak myself completely in the evening shower. Of course, the rain did not deter me. 


Hertford lock. This has some story. In 2009 the lock was closed as the paddle gate came off. A stoppage as it is called. We arrived late and I saw the extraordinary opportunity to spend the night in the lock, despite the opposition of the female part of the crew. However, when the lock gate in the wee hours spontaneously closed itself behind us with a spooky noise then a loud bang, so yes, that was too much for me as well. First thing in the morning was to pull out from the lock.

The reward for withstanding the rain was a full double rainbow.


And also the boats basking in the after shower sun...


and another picture explaining why I like Hertford.


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