On the northern hemisphere

Blogging back to friends in Australia while I'm away. Pure laziness, trying to avoid writing emails. Up above - no offence meant, but that's what you get when you negate down under.

The workshop finished but the work continues. If someone is interested in what we did, here is another post.

I walked to the university despite the rain. I met Chrystopher there to have a plan for next week and print the draft papers.

Lunch at the canteen of the university. Fish&Chips day on Friday. Quite nicely presented, taste average, nothing special.

DSC00517.JPGThen after upgrading the big number crunching server machine I walked home. The day was getting brighter. I love the drama of the British sky.


Then inner at home, fish again. Seabass to be precise.


This was the first dinner at home since Monday. The workshop's budget allowed to eat out every evening. On Wednesday we went to St Albans. Here are the compulsory photos of the lake and the cathedral.



We had dinner at the Fighting Cocks. DSC00506.JPG...and the choice of the evening was Goat Cheese Salad.


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