On the northern hemisphere

Blogging back to friends in Australia while I'm away. Pure laziness, trying to avoid writing emails. Up above - no offence meant, but that's what you get when you negate down under.

For the record. It is winter up here. Surprisingly proper winter even in England.

DSC01615We both enjoy this after the Sydney heatwaves. It is so nice to have frozen fingers! :)

We arrived at Lis' place by 9am, we had breakfast, quick shower and after that I was heading to the University but then the plan changed as Chrystopher wanted to go closer to Welwyn Garden City before the snow piles up. So we all ended up in a cafe there including little Annika whose school kicked the pupils out referring to the adverse weather conditions.

I discussed the research plans. But then he took us back to Old Hatfield. After a walk in the churchyard


DSC01618 we went the outlet centre to do my shopping. I never liked shopping mall crowd, but it is indeed unnerving to be in one almost completely devoid of customers. Anyhow, I have no enough underwear and two new pants. And funky socks of course! :)

Going bed early.. none of us has jetlag.

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