On the northern hemisphere

Blogging back to friends in Australia while I'm away. Pure laziness, trying to avoid writing emails. Up above - no offence meant, but that's what you get when you negate down under.

For Wednesday Paolo suggested to go to his office at LSE, this coincided with Chrystopher's meditation seminar, so we went to London today. Work in Hatfield in the morning, then work in London (after an enormous lunch again). We ended up in Costa. Still titled 'Scientists in cafe'

DSC00562.JPG  Then we had a discussion of the five-year plan of SgpDec (our software). I like working with an Italian as the discussions are heated debates, not boring conversations.

The plan was to have a walk in London after work. This started with skipping underground stations and regularly checking the surface for rain. Eventually it stopped. Then I was near the Tower. Here is my take on the Tower Bridge.


I told you, I like the busy British sky.

But there are some new things. I don't really remember this spiky thingy, for instance.


Ok, this brings the blog up to date...

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