On the northern hemisphere

Blogging back to friends in Australia while I'm away. Pure laziness, trying to avoid writing emails. Up above - no offence meant, but that's what you get when you negate down under.

What a fine day for travel! Predicted to be the hottest day of the summer. Temperature sensors in Eger cannot decide between 38 and 39 Celsius, but the actual number does not matter. It feels hot.
Maybe I'm getting older or it is just the fact that I am properly paid in Australia. In Budapest I opted for the airport shuttle instead of public transport. 3 times more expensive and 3 times faster. Somehow this felt natural as my rucksack felt heavy.

There was a surprise on the way. Though I was heading to Budapest Airport Terminal 2,  I had a glimpse of Terminal 1. It is closed. Period.
I guess it was indeed a very economical decision. Malev, the Hungarian airlines went bust few months ago so now the low cost airlines can also fit into T2. Good for them. T2 is lot nicer. But hey, the net value of this is that we had two terminals before, and now we have only one. I'm not going political here, but I remember long time ago before I stopped reading news I found a rhetorical gem in government communication: "Success is invisible". I wonder whether this idea can be pushed any further, for instance 'Success looks failure.'

I arrived at the airport an hour before checkin time. Since I often run into trouble, I never plan things tight. I had time, but no books with me. Thus began the era of the ebook-reader for me.

To say something good about the airport I must admit that the new part of the T2 is really great, it is up to international standard. Spacious, light, free power with universal plugs, free wifi,  and the inclusion of a free table football shows that the designers know what life is about.

I left all my coins in a charity box. Another first in my life.

The last glimpse of homeland before it disappeared into the haze.
So it is time to reflect on the last 3 weeks. A year ago, when I came back to Hungary from a week research visit in England, the plane landed and I felt really really bad about being again in Hungary. Naturally 3 months later, when the plane took off on the way to Sydney last September an emotional decision was made: never to set foot again on Hungarian land. Hungarian readers of this blog (family members and friends) will find this a bit unnerving, but hey things changed, so it is now harmless to declassify these files. Of course, the land is not responsible for any romantic misfortune happening on its back.

Apart from the backdrop, which is a raging chaotic storm in economy, moral, education, etc., I had wonderful time in the last 3 weeks. Especially people at my previous college, by assigning me the role of an organizer of Fib15 they created the illusion that I never left them.    

But no need to be sentimental. Next stop will be my 3rd home, England. And yes this blog is getting closer to its end. In slightly more than two weeks time I will be back down under. What a lucky bastard I am!

Flight shot.
Our German friends seemed to get some proper storm clouds above their heads. 4 minutes later the aircraft hit the tip of this cloud formation. A turbulence that made me think that probably there was no need to write blog entries any more.

We arrived safe at London Heathrow. Temperature is 15 minutes cooler.. Hooray! I took the local bus instead of the train through London to Hatfield. My local knowledge of the bus network is not expired yet.

I finally arrived at 11pm. My little chair is still behind the drawer, the anti-squirrel water gun is still in use, the wifi router still has the same setup as I left it. I'm at home. Again. 

Szólj hozzá!

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