On the northern hemisphere

Blogging back to friends in Australia while I'm away. Pure laziness, trying to avoid writing emails. Up above - no offence meant, but that's what you get when you negate down under.

This event was great. Not talking about math, here are the social highlights.

The organizers considered me as one of them, this was very kind. It somewhat dampened my being-tourist feeling. Here is my rock'n'roll-algebra friend.

First evening. Wine & cheese reception. Due to my alleged real-time translator skills I ended up as the president of the wine-knight committee. This is a theatrical celebration involving drinking wine. I got into the mood and I consumed way too much (very good) wine. It seems I get very generous when I drink since many people thanked me for the beer afterwards. Including my new American friend here wearing a Hungarian football shirt.


This generous hospitality was not without some danger as I had quite an amount of cash on me. Exciting moment in the morning when opening my wallet. No losses though.. :) I did not end up paying rounds for everyone awake after 1am in town.

Next day I did not have headache, but I was very weak. I was asked to interview the Fibonacci Association's president and the distinguished invited speaker. For the local TV. In that feeble state. It went very well.

I found a Japanese Prof. to play GO with.


I lost.

The distinguished speaker and his wife wanted to do some hiking, so on Friday after the last talks I took them to the Eged hill. 14km with significant climbing. They enjoyed it. Not many tourists do that, so I was really impressed as well.

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